We have all seen  the inseparably dog and person.  The dog has  to be in the same room with her human.  As long as you are sitting or working in the same room as your dog everything is great.  The dog will usually  remain calm and relaxed; however  the moment you leave the room your dog is up and following you.

She watches you  to see if you are preparing to leave. Oh yes, she knows all the cues that mean you are leaving her along.  You wear different clothes, you put on make up, you smell different and you are picking up you keys.  These cues mean you are leaving soon and causes your dog to pace, whine and may even try to stop you from going out the door.

While your away she may chew destroying valuable things, especially things with your scent.  When not chewing things she may bark and howling which will cause close neighbors to complain.

If you give in and take her with you she is happy until you go into the store that will not allow her inside. Now she is alone in a small space that is not comfortable , strange people are walking pass her  so she starts barking and chewing on anything that is within her reach.

These dogs may be well trained animals when with their humans. So why do they act this way?  Because their human has  inadvertently created and reinforced this behavior.  How can we teach a dog to be calm when left alone ?

1.  Crate train your dog. The crate becomes a safe den for the dog and she will happily sleep there every night. All dogs should be crate trained because  if they every need to remain at the vet’s office they will be in a crate during that overnight stay.

2.  Don’t be afraid to leave you dog alone.  A puppy and a dog will be safe in there crates  provided you have removed their collars and have an appropriate crate – ask your trainer or vet for guidance. A puppy can stay in the crate  for short periods of time during the day.  So go about your daily business – just come home at lunch time to take the pup out for a bathroom/exercise break.

3.  When you leave – just put the dog in her crate  or safe room and leave. No repeating ” Be good, I  miss you already” and no petting and hugging a dozen times before going out the door.

4.  No  going back inside  because the dog is whining, howling ,barking or looking out the window with those big “don’t leave me” eyes.

5.  If your dog does not destroy things and are left alone  you may leave  hidden treats in the house for the dog to find to give them something to think about.

6.  When you return home, do not act excited when you see your dog.  Wait for the dog to calm down before petting/hugging her.

7.  Enroll her to an  obedience training course. Check out  Kat’s Perfect Dog Training School   if you live in Jackson County Indiana.

8.  When she is scared or anxious – do not cuddle her.   Tell her everything is okay and remain calm.  If she see you acting scared then you are reenforcing her behavior.

9. Do not get super upset or punish the dog is she destroys or pees in the house when you where gone. She will not make the connection  between something she did two hours ago and your reaction.